

11 Aug 2024


Portfolio Projects (i.e. that I'm actively working on)

  • Ceilings
    • Rustlings and Ziglings for C!
  • kthxbye.dev

    • WARN notice push notification!
    • When your company reports to the gov't that they're laying people off in 2-6mo

    you don't have to manually check a state labor board spreadsheet or hope your company laying folks off is a big enough deal it'll end up in the news – you'll know immediately.

    • Spring Boot or Flask and PostgreSQL
  • MF
    • Make a Lisp but for Forth
  • ailita
    • AI/ML Framework from scratch in Guile & R7RS-Small Scheme
    • Frankly by the time I can work on this again, AI is probably gonna be dead, hype-wise. That being said, I am still curious to learn how machine-learning works from first principles :)
    • Milestones:
      • double function
      • Boolean AND OR NAND NOR
      • ???
      • MNIST
      • ???
      • GGUF compliance
      • ???
      • MVP transformer?
  • guix.fish
    • A fisher plugin to handle guix path and environment variables
  • My Fork of ahmdrefat's Awesome-Koans

Tech for working people and the social good

  • Unnion: Indeed for union jobs
    • “Don’t cry at work, find your Unnion job Today”
  • Bust 👻🚫
    • Website to data mine and determine which companies are most guilty of posting ghost jobs
  • Website to simplify opting out of forced arbitration clauses

    • Give a central place for people to report when TOS are updated for a

    service (i.e. Discord), as well as a due date, and instructions to opt out

  • Tracker for when companies get bought out by private equity firms
  • Script to transcribe social media json dumps as markdown for SSGs

    • Help folks migrate news, opinions, memories, funnies, etc. from platforms

    vulnerable to getting "elon'd"

    • Your blog will almost certainly outlast the "good years" of any social media


    • I think it's safe to say we've seen several fall victim to enshittification as the VCs start to demand the companies turn a profit

Linux Accessibility

  • Desky
    • Make .desktop files with GUI! (how is this not a solved problem by now…)
    • Use gendesk under the hood

Post-SiFive Projects

  • Raylib Practice: Learn Guile-C interop with Raylib
  • Shelly 🐚

    • chat app that acts as a bash front end with the ability to drop

    into a small llm trained on bash & unix

    • rationale: people are afraid of terminals but they can be


    • No one’s afraid of text interfaces for chat apps, so

    what if the terminal was a chat app between you and the kernel?

    • Android keyboard style autocomplete in a bar above the keyboard
  • Tarot reader react native app
  • 3D graphics practice: Bouncing ball amiga peach emoji
  • OOP practice: Blackjack in scheme
  • Fuck Twitter clones, make a MySpace clone!
  • Language independent SICP
    • yaml SICP!
  • neopostal: React Native App to blog to neocities on ur phone
  • Guile LSP á la Calva
  • Linktree react app
  • MAT - Make a Torch (0-to-MNIST)
  • movie picker
  • qxl/spice for haiku
  • sound driver for haiku
Tags: dev projects
11 Aug 2024


Hi reader! This is yet another blog update, hopefully one that shouldn't look too different but bring some important changes under the hood.

Most notably: RSS support!

What does this mean for me reading this?

It means you can use any rss reader app (and if you're on android I highly recommend Feeder, but any should work) to keep up with my posts here :)

Why does that matter? It means you can get a push notification without either of us needing to rely on a megacorporation ;P

Tags: blog emacs meta rss
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