Dev Projects
Pro Worker and User Tech
tool to convert social media json dumps into markdown
Tracker for when companies get bought out by private equity firms
- WARN notice push notification
Unnion: Indeed for union jobs
- “Don’t cry at work, find your Unnion job Today”
Bust 👻🚫 - Website to data mine and determine which companies are most guilty of posting ghost jobs
Website to simplify opting out of forced arbitration clauses
- Give a central place for people to report when TOS are updated for a service (i.e. Discord), as well as a due date, and instructions to opt out
Cute things
Guestbook in vanilla js for neocities sites
Likely Dastard
Fruitpilled little peachcel browser extension
“I like _” -> “I'm so -synonym–pilled”
Linux Accessibility
Desky - make .desktop files with GUI!
- Use gendesk under the hood
Make a build.zig/nob for C++
JS emulators for historic computers
- pdp11.js
- Z1.js
- S360.js
- CONS.js (Knight Machine)
Guile/Wisp Docker Container!
- can do this in an afternoon :)
Make lisp cookbook for guile
Learn Guile with Raylib
- make blog post
SICP not scary edition (wisp)
Tarot reader react native app
Bouncing ball amiga peach eggplant emojis
Blackjack in scheme for OOP practice
Fuck Twitter clones, make a MySpace clone!
Guile LSP á la Calva
Shelly 🐚
- chat app that acts as a fish front end with the ability to drop into a small llm trained on fish & unix
- rationale: people are afraid of terminals but they can be friendly, and no one’s afraid of text interfaces for chat apps, so what if the terminal -was- a chat app between you and the kernel?
- Android keyboard style autocomplete in a bar above the keyboard
Linktree react app
MAT - Make a Torch (0-to-MNIST)
MF - Make a Lisp but for Forth
movie picker
- [_] implement discard & reshuffle
- Remake in React & Flutter
ailita R7RS-small AI framework
- double function
- ???
- ???
- GGUF compliance
- ???
- MVP transformer?
qxl/spice for haiku
sound driver for haiku
sex toy that reacts to suction at tip and/or pressure
- double sided
- define different sources and targets (vibe frequency, amplitude)
- Nordic nRF52
Web programming stack with APL+HTMX
- Note: this is cursed
- Only do this for the meme, for the love of god
Yuccalisp (8-bit LISP 1.5)
- Steps:
- GC:
- LFSR-based PRNG
- Linked list
- use RNG for list-structured memory (even out mem access times)
- Impl Cheney Algo (broken hearts)
- Use AI to learn these quickly
- Display ASCII
- Accept keyboard input
- Read-Print loop prompt
- Tokenizer:
- regexp?
- something simpler?
- Parser
- Eval-Apply
- GC:
Pre-SiFive Dev Ideas
- Build with streamlit and pandas
- Beautiful soup to scrape the prices of estradiol synthesis from chemical manufacturers
- Estrone
- Lithium Aluminum Hydride
- Calcium Hydride
- Sodium Borohydride
- Start with -just- β-estradiol prices and availability from the top 10 chemical manufacturers (figuring that out is its own question), then add in the precursors
- MVP version (0.1.0):
- Scrape the price of -just- estradiol powder, at -just- 1 company (Sigma or Fisher), -just- once a day
- Add those values to a df and display a line chart (x: time, y: price) on the home page
- Next Steps:
- Instead of adding more data, create a rest api so you can grab the df values
- Make a react app that displays the same chart
- Port the react app to mobile (android only)
- Version 0.2.0:
- Add in more manufacturers
- Add in precursor chemicals
- Find a good way to display them (maybe separate pages entirely?)
- Add an About Page
- Determine best practices for project management so I don’t get overwhelmed
- If it’s working well, open project up to the public, ask for things that could be done better (especially focusing on the stats/data viz side, since I’m weaker in that)
Scrape from to see number of jobs by technology
- Use separate job titles (data scientist, full-stack engineer, etc.) as group factors
- Hone in on the ones most likely to get me a job
- Use selenium to input the parameters (don’t think bs4 can handle this)
Pd.js: Pure Data reimplemented in JS with the webaudio api
- React
- Note: this would be a huge project
Tarot app
- More interesting than standard cards
- Maybe program old Italian games that actually used them back in the day?
- check tail call optimization of browsers
User-friendly Array Language
- do to APL or J what José Valim did to Erlang
- Maybe just port an existing language over to an array-based core?
React Native Pocket Operator, PK-83
- Keep the same interface as the PO-20 except:
- no game & watch display
- no knobs
- instead fill space with name & 2 sliders
- (maybe xy pad instead?)
- FM instead of 8-bit sounds
- Black & Grey with Teal, Peach highlights
Other PK series
- PK-94 sampler
- PK-60 Juno
Write a Common Lisp compiler in Rust (or zig)
- Definitely start with a Scheme compiler
- Make it a modernized superset of SBCL-compatible CL (bake in the functional stuff and nice data types from Alexandria and Serapeum)
Insufferable "Boymoder & Blåhaj" platformer on the NES/tic-80/Pico-8
Gameboy Color Lisp editor
- Pokemon style menu interface with keywords clustered into common types
- I/O
- Conditionals
- Def and Set\!
- Math
- Lists
- Recently used
- Global taskbar at the bottom, prompt right above that
- Commands
- Keyboard
- Status
- Options?
- Maybe something really terse like APL or Forth would be better?
Create 8 bit SoC with Chisel:
- First prototype: model after either the Z80 or 6502, something well-documented
Fantussy, Fantasy Console game engine for Atari 8 bit
Snake% various programming languages
- how fast can you make a functioning game of snake?
- at least one kind of lisp, and Haskell
I've spent the better part of an hour basically rolling my own version of org-static-blog.el, so I figure I might as well give this another fair shot. Also a good opportunity to actually make my own CSS for this blog, consistent with my other sites' visual design (kinda pastel take on the FreeBSD or Debian TUI installers)
Portfolio Projects (i.e. that I'm actively working on)
- Rustlings and Ziglings for C!
- WARN notice push notification!
- When your company reports to the gov't that they're laying people off in 2-6mo
you don't have to manually check a state labor board spreadsheet or hope your company laying folks off is a big enough deal it'll end up in the news – you'll know immediately.
- Spring Boot or Flask and PostgreSQL
- Make a Lisp but for Forth
- AI/ML Framework from scratch in Guile & R7RS-Small Scheme
- Frankly by the time I can work on this again, AI is probably gonna be dead, hype-wise. That being said, I am still curious to learn how machine-learning works from first principles :)
- double function
- ???
- ???
- GGUF compliance
- ???
- MVP transformer?
- A fisher plugin to handle guix path and environment variables
- My Fork of ahmdrefat's Awesome-Koans
Tech for working people and the social good
Unnion: Indeed for union jobs
- “Don’t cry at work, find your Unnion job Today”
Bust 👻🚫
- Website to data mine and determine which companies are most guilty of posting ghost jobs
Website to simplify opting out of forced arbitration clauses
- Give a central place for people to report when TOS are updated for a
service (i.e. Discord), as well as a due date, and instructions to opt out
- Tracker for when companies get bought out by private equity firms
Script to transcribe social media json dumps as markdown for SSGs
- Help folks migrate news, opinions, memories, funnies, etc. from platforms
vulnerable to getting "elon'd"
- Your blog will almost certainly outlast the "good years" of any social media
- I think it's safe to say we've seen several fall victim to enshittification as the VCs start to demand the companies turn a profit
Linux Accessibility
- Make .desktop files with GUI! (how is this not a solved problem by now…)
- Use gendesk under the hood
Post-SiFive Projects
- Raylib Practice: Learn Guile-C interop with Raylib
Shelly 🐚
- chat app that acts as a bash front end with the ability to drop
into a small llm trained on bash & unix
- rationale: people are afraid of terminals but they can be
- No one’s afraid of text interfaces for chat apps, so
what if the terminal was a chat app between you and the kernel?
- Android keyboard style autocomplete in a bar above the keyboard
- Tarot reader react native app
- 3D graphics practice: Bouncing ball amiga peach emoji
- OOP practice: Blackjack in scheme
- Fuck Twitter clones, make a MySpace clone!
Language independent SICP
- yaml SICP!
- neopostal: React Native App to blog to neocities on ur phone
- Guile LSP á la Calva
- Linktree react app
- MAT - Make a Torch (0-to-MNIST)
- movie picker
- qxl/spice for haiku
- sound driver for haiku
Hi reader! This is yet another blog update, hopefully one that shouldn't look too different but bring some important changes under the hood.
Most notably: RSS support!
What does this mean for me reading this?
It means you can use any rss reader app (and if you're on android I highly recommend Feeder, but any should work) to keep up with my posts here :)
Why does that matter? It means you can get a push notification without either of us needing to rely on a megacorporation ;P